Zen Word For Better Communication #7 日々是好日 Nichinich-kore-koujitsu

Every day is a good day

It is important not to regret the past unnecessarily and not to hold out more expectations for the future than necessary, but to strive to live in the present (now) to the fullest.

Of course, there are days of bad weather, days when work doesn’t go well, and days when you are not feeling well. But the important thing is that we ourselves are living in the present moment. If we can say that every day is a good day.

Tea ceremony has a strong connection with Zen. In tea rooms, a hanging scroll with this word is often seen. In the tea ceremony, the tea master concentrates on the moment making bowl of tea with all his/her heart. Participating in the tea ceremony might be a good choice to find such Zen sprits. ( Tea ceremony/Shunwakai)

Make every day is the best day!

Thanks to the hard study for entrance examinations, I could advance to high school and university. Thanks to troubles with customers, I can grow. New technologies are born thanks to our efforts to overcome what we cannot do. Even if it is an unpleasant event, we replace it with “thanks” instead of “fault” and are grateful for every day that we continue to move forward!  – K.Kato